Payroll4Construction vs. Paychex
Discover the Benefits of Construction-Specific Payroll
While general payroll services like Paychex are suitable for many businesses, they do not fully address the specific needs of construction payroll.
The advantage of Payroll4Construction is that it has the construction-specific features to make complex tasks like certified payroll reporting, union tracking, and multi-state processing easier for contractors.
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What Makes Payroll4ConstructionDifferent From Paychex
Printed checks & direct deposits
W-2 and taxes
Benefits deductions
Payroll reports
Expert support
HR management (onboarding & employee self-service)
Job cost reporting
Certified payroll (WH-347 & more)
Multi-state, multi-locality, multi-trade
Automated rates by job, trade & more
Electronic certified payroll submission
ePR.Live integration
Integration with construction partners
Construction-specific mobile timecard options
Union reporting
EEO/minority compliance
Making Complex Construction Payroll Easier forPaychex Payroll Users
If you find you’re spending more time trying to customize your payroll to meet the needs of your company than you are on your actual payroll, it may be time to make a change. Our services are specifically built to reduce your payroll burden, one construction payroll complexity at a time.
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